/*********************************************** * Ajax Includes script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Modified by The Group * Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code ***********************************************/ //To include a page, invoke ajaxinclude("afile.htm") in the BODY of page //Included file MUST be from the same domain as the page displaying it. var rootdomain="http://"+window.location.hostname function ajaxinclude(url,id) { var page_request = false if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, Safari etc page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE try { page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){ try{ page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){} } } else return false page_request.open('GET', url, false) //get page synchronously page_request.send(null) writecontent(page_request,id) } function writecontent(page_request,id){ if (window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1 || page_request.status==200) document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = page_request.responseText //document.write(page_request.responseText) } /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * jQuery-Plugin "pngFix" * Version: 1.2, 09.03.2009 * by Andreas Eberhard, andreas.eberhard@gmail.com * http://jquery.andreaseberhard.de/ * * Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Eberhard * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) * * Changelog: * 09.03.2009 Version 1.2 * - Update for jQuery 1.3.x, removed @ from selectors * 11.09.2007 Version 1.1 * - removed noConflict * - added png-support for input type=image * - 01.08.2007 CSS background-image support extension added by Scott Jehl, scott@filamentgroup.com, http://www.filamentgroup.com * 31.05.2007 initial Version 1.0 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * @example $(function(){$(document).pngFix();}); * @desc Fixes all PNG's in the document on document.ready * * jQuery(function(){jQuery(document).pngFix();}); * @desc Fixes all PNG's in the document on document.ready when using noConflict * * @example $(function(){$('div.examples').pngFix();}); * @desc Fixes all PNG's within div with class examples * * @example $(function(){$('div.examples').pngFix( { blankgif:'ext.gif' } );}); * @desc Fixes all PNG's within div with class examples, provides blank gif for input with png * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function($) { jQuery.fn.pngFix = function(settings) { // Settings settings = jQuery.extend({ blankgif: 'blank.gif' }, settings); var ie55 = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 5.5") != -1); var ie6 = (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.0") != -1); if (jQuery.browser.msie && (ie55 || ie6)) { //fix images with png-source jQuery(this).find("img[src$=.png]").each(function() { jQuery(this).attr('width',jQuery(this).width()); jQuery(this).attr('height',jQuery(this).height()); var prevStyle = ''; var strNewHTML = ''; var imgId = (jQuery(this).attr('id')) ? 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'' : '[]'; var $prefix = settings.prefix === false ? false : true; var $hash = $prefix ? settings.hash === true ? "#" : "?" : ""; var $numbers = settings.numbers === false ? false : true; jQuery.query = new function() { var is = function(o, t) { return o != undefined && o !== null && (!!t ? o.constructor == t : true); }; var parse = function(path) { var m, rx = /\[([^[]*)\]/g, match = /^([^[]+)(\[.*\])?$/.exec(path), base = match[1], tokens = []; while (m = rx.exec(match[2])) tokens.push(m[1]); return [base, tokens]; }; var set = function(target, tokens, value) { var o, token = tokens.shift(); if (typeof target != 'object') target = null; if (token === "") { if (!target) target = []; if (is(target, Array)) { target.push(tokens.length == 0 ? value : set(null, tokens.slice(0), value)); } else if (is(target, Object)) { var i = 0; while (target[i++] != null); target[--i] = tokens.length == 0 ? value : set(target[i], tokens.slice(0), value); } else { target = []; target.push(tokens.length == 0 ? value : set(null, tokens.slice(0), value)); } } else if (token && token.match(/^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/)) { var index = parseInt(token, 10); if (!target) target = []; target[index] = tokens.length == 0 ? value : set(target[index], tokens.slice(0), value); } else if (token) { var index = token.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); if (!target) target = {}; if (is(target, Array)) { var temp = {}; for (var i = 0; i < target.length; ++i) { temp[i] = target[i]; } target = temp; } target[index] = tokens.length == 0 ? value : set(target[index], tokens.slice(0), value); } else { return value; } return target; }; var queryObject = function(a) { var self = this; self.keys = {}; if (a.queryObject) { jQuery.each(a.get(), function(key, val) { self.SET(key, val); }); } else { jQuery.each(arguments, function() { var q = "" + this; q = q.replace(/^[?#]/,''); // remove any leading ? || # q = q.replace(/[;&]$/,''); // remove any trailing & || ; if ($spaces) q = q.replace(/[+]/g,' '); // replace +'s with spaces jQuery.each(q.split(/[&;]/), function(){ var key = decodeURIComponent(this.split('=')[0] || ""); var val = decodeURIComponent(this.split('=')[1] || ""); if (!key) return; if ($numbers) { if (/^[+-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*$/.test(val)) // simple float regex val = parseFloat(val); else if (/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/.test(val)) // simple int regex val = parseInt(val, 10); } val = (!val && val !== 0) ? true : val; if (val !== false && val !== true && typeof val != 'number') val = val; self.SET(key, val); }); }); } return self; }; queryObject.prototype = { queryObject: true, has: function(key, type) { var value = this.get(key); return is(value, type); }, GET: function(key) { if (!is(key)) return this.keys; var parsed = parse(key), base = parsed[0], tokens = parsed[1]; var target = this.keys[base]; while (target != null && tokens.length != 0) { target = target[tokens.shift()]; } return typeof target == 'number' ? target : target || ""; }, get: function(key) { var target = this.GET(key); if (is(target, Object)) return jQuery.extend(true, {}, target); else if (is(target, Array)) return target.slice(0); return target; }, SET: function(key, val) { var value = !is(val) ? null : val; var parsed = parse(key), base = parsed[0], tokens = parsed[1]; var target = this.keys[base]; this.keys[base] = set(target, tokens.slice(0), value); return this; }, set: function(key, val) { return this.copy().SET(key, val); }, REMOVE: function(key) { return this.SET(key, null).COMPACT(); }, remove: function(key) { return this.copy().REMOVE(key); }, EMPTY: function() { var self = this; jQuery.each(self.keys, function(key, value) { delete self.keys[key]; }); return self; }, load: function(url) { var hash = url.replace(/^.*?[#](.+?)(?:\?.+)?$/, "$1"); var search = url.replace(/^.*?[?](.+?)(?:#.+)?$/, "$1"); return new queryObject(url.length == search.length ? '' : search, url.length == hash.length ? '' : hash); }, empty: function() { return this.copy().EMPTY(); }, copy: function() { return new queryObject(this); }, COMPACT: function() { function build(orig) { var obj = typeof orig == "object" ? is(orig, Array) ? [] : {} : orig; if (typeof orig == 'object') { function add(o, key, value) { if (is(o, Array)) o.push(value); else o[key] = value; } jQuery.each(orig, function(key, value) { if (!is(value)) return true; add(obj, key, build(value)); }); } return obj; } this.keys = build(this.keys); return this; }, compact: function() { return this.copy().COMPACT(); }, toString: function() { var i = 0, queryString = [], chunks = [], self = this; var encode = function(str) { str = str + ""; if ($spaces) str = str.replace(/ /g, "+"); return encodeURIComponent(str); }; var addFields = function(arr, key, value) { if (!is(value) || value === false) return; var o = [encode(key)]; if (value !== true) { o.push("="); o.push(encode(value)); } arr.push(o.join("")); }; var build = function(obj, base) { var newKey = function(key) { return !base || base == "" ? [key].join("") : [base, "[", key, "]"].join(""); }; jQuery.each(obj, function(key, value) { if (typeof value == 'object') build(value, newKey(key)); else addFields(chunks, newKey(key), value); }); }; build(this.keys); if (chunks.length > 0) queryString.push($hash); queryString.push(chunks.join($separator)); return queryString.join(""); } }; return new queryObject(location.search, location.hash); }; }(jQuery.query || {}); (function($) { jQuery.fn.curvedModules = function(settings) { settings = jQuery.extend({ cornerimage: "gradient" }, settings); if (jQuery.browser.msie) { var ieversion = parseInt($.browser.version, 10); if (ieversion < 9) { jQuery(this).each(function(){ var cornerimage,elementWidth,elementHeight; if((jQuery(this).hasClass("module_greygradient"))||(jQuery(this).hasClass("module_outline"))){ cornerimage = "default"; elementWidth = jQuery(this).outerWidth()-5; elementHeight = jQuery(this).outerHeight()-5; sizedifferential = -1; }else{ cornerimage = "gradient"; elementWidth = jQuery(this).outerWidth()-4; elementHeight = jQuery(this).outerHeight()-4; sizedifferential = 0; } jQuery(this).addClass("module") .append("
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